一月20日(土)午後 5:45
By TERENCE HUNT, AP White House Correspondent
テレンス ハント、ホワイトハウス 担当記者
WASHINGTON (AP) George Walker Bush, swearing the same
oath as his father before him, became America’s 43rd president
Saturday, pledging to “build a single nation of justice and opportunity” after one of the
most turbulent elections in history.
ワシントン(AP)- ジョージ、ウオルカー、ブッシュ氏は父親が行った同じ誓約方法で宣誓を行い、歴史上最も混乱した選挙を経て“正義と機会均等の統一された国家の建設”を誓い、土曜日、第43代アメリカ大統領となった。
Bush said he would lead with “civility, courage, compassion and
character.” Seven members of his Cabinet won swift Senate approval as the
Republicans moved in after eight years of Democratic rule. On a day blending
inaugural pageantry and protests, Bush succeeded Bill Clinton with a promise to
heal the nation’s divisions.
ブッシュ氏は“8年間続いた民主党政権の後を引き継ぎ、共和党の動議として、彼の7閣僚の上院での承認を速やかに得て、”礼儀正しさ、勇気、仲間、人格“を大切にこの国を導いて行く事を述べた。 この日、華やかな就任式と抗議の集会が混在した中で、ブッシュ氏は国民の分割を癒す事を約束し、ビル、クリントン氏から大統領の職を引き継いだ。
“People say, ‘Well, gosh, the election
was so close, nothing will happen, except for finger pointing and name calling
and bitterness,” Bush said at a luncheon with congressional leaders. ”I’m here to tell the country that things
will get done, that we’re going to rise above expectations, that both
Republicans and Democrats will come together to do what’s right for America.”
ブッシュ氏は議会の指導者達との晩餐会で“人が言うには、本当に今度の選挙は接戦だった、しかし、指さし、名前を呼ぶこと、そして苦しみ、以外は何にも変わらない。”と、 “私は国家に対して言っておく、共和党、民主党が一緒になってどうすればアメリカの為になるかを考え、期待される以上に事を取上げて親身になって取組む。“
The inauguration, witnessed by
a crowd、 stretching out
from the West Front of the Capitol, marked the opening of the first Republican controlled
White House and Congress since the Eisenhower era. Spectators were bundled in
heavy coats and ponchos on a cold, raw day.
就任式は国会議事堂の西正面から広がった大観衆に見守られ、アイゼンハワー大統領時代以来のホワイトハウスと議会が同時に共和党によって支配される始まりとして執り行われた。 観客者達は、冷たい厳しい天気にコートやパンチョスを着込んで参加していた。
Police in riot gear stood five
deep between Bush’s motorcade and protesters on the inaugural parade route. An
egg was thrown from a group of demonstrators toward Bush’s limousine, startling
Secret Service agents. A few blocks later an orange was tossed toward his car,
rolling past. Police pinned down two protesters who jumped security barriers
and got within 30 feet of the limousine.
機動隊の完全武装した警察官が就任パレードルートに沿って抗議者グループとブッシュ氏の車の行列の間に五重に立ち警護した。 デモ参加者の中からブッシュ氏のリムジンに一つの卵が投げられシークレットサービスの担当官を驚かせた。 又、2、3列後ろから彼の車に向ってミカンが投げられたが道路に転がっただけだった。 規制フエンスを飛び越えてブッシュ氏のリムジンに9メートルまで近づいた二人の抗議運動家は警察官に取り押さえられた。
The new president delighted
onlookers when he got out of his car. Protected by heavy security, he walked
the last block of the parade holding hands with his wife.
Bush and his extended family
watched the inaugural parade with umbrellas overhead during an intermittent
hard rain. There were bands, floats, riders on horseback, a precision lawn
chair demonstration team even a group of Idaho women in red house dresses and
blue aprons who danced with shopping carts.
ブッシュ氏と彼の親戚一同は時々強く降る雨の中、傘をさして就任式パレードを見守った。 パレードには、バンド、山車、乗馬、精密な芝生椅子のデモンストレションチーム、ショッピングカートを押しながら踊る真っ赤な家庭着とブルーのエプロンのアイダホの女性達などが花を添えた。
It was a pomp filled end to a
campaign which saw Bush finish second in the popular vote but a narrow winner
in the all important electoral competition. Departing Vice President Al Gore,
Bush’s defeated rival, watched the proceedings stoically, a silent reminder of
the five week post election battle that was stopped by the Supreme Court.
華麗に満ちた終焉だった。選挙戦ではブッシュ氏は二位に終わるだろうとの事前国民調査だった。しかし、ブッシュ氏は全ての重要な選挙拠点で小差の勝利者と成った。 副大統領の席を去るブッシュ氏のライバルだったアル、ゴアー氏は、最高裁の裁定で終止付が打たれた選挙後、五週間の戦いを沈黙な思いを秘めて就任式の進行を冷淡に見つめた。
Richard Cheney was sworn in as
vice president at 11:57 a.m.
Bush followed at 12:02 p.m.,
then reached for his father’s right hand and hugged him, putting his left hand
around his dad’s head. The senior Bush wiped away a tear and the new
president’s eyes welled up, too. It was the second time in American history a
son had followed his father to the White House. John Quincy Adams traced his
father’s steps 176 years ago.
続けて、ブッシュ氏は午後12時2分、父親の右手に手を差し伸べ抱擁を交わし、左手を父親の頭上に置いた。父親のブッシュ元大統領は感激の涙を拭き、又、新大統領もいっぱいの涙を潤ませた。アメリカの歴史上で父に続いて息子がホワイトハウスに入るのは二度目の事である。 176年前、ジョン、クインシィ、アダムス大統領が父と同じ大統領職に就いた。
A traditional 21 gun salute
marked the change of command as Bush fought back tears again and snapped a
salute to the crowd after the National Anthem was played.
In one of his first acts, Bush
formally submitted his Cabinet nominations to the Senate. Among those quickly
confirmed were Colin Powell as secretary of state, Donald Rumsfeld as defense
secretary and Paul O’Neill as treasury secretary.
Bush signed an executive order
establishing ethical standards for his new administration, and moved to halt
Clinton’s blizzard of executive orders and rules. Among the targets were new
Medicare guidelines and environmental protections.
The president also ordered a
temporary federal hiring freeze until his new Cabinet members are in place.
In a 15 minute inaugural
address, Bush thanked Gore for “a contest conducted with spirit and ended with grace.” Pledging to work for reconciliation,
Bush said, ”Sometimes our
differences run so deep it seems we share a continent but not a country.“
“We do not accept this and will not allow
it,” Bush declared. ”Our unity, our union, is the serious work of leaders and citizens in
every generation. And this is my solemn pledge. I will work to build a single
nation of justice and opportunity.” His promise brought a burst of applause from spectators.
“私たちはこんな事を承諾出来ないし、許す事も出来ない。”と、ブッシュ氏は宣言した。“我々の一致、我々統合は、全ての世代の指導者、市民にとって重大な仕事である。これは私の厳粛な誓いです。私は正義と機会均等の統一された国家の建設に働きます。“ 彼の約束は見学者から大喝采を起こさせた。
It was a day of triumph and
glory for the new president and his family, which bears one of the most
prominent names in American politics. It began with worship at St. John’s
Episcopal Church, across Lafayette Park from the White House, and was running
late into the night with eight black tie inaugural balls drawing almost 50,000
At the end of his inauguration,
Bush was asked how he felt. “I feel humbled and honored,” he replied.
Bush’s father, the nation’s 41st
president but vanquished by Clinton in 1992, watched with pride as his son
swore his oath, his left hand resting on the same Bible that George Washington
used. Former First Lady Barbara Bush watched with a smile, wearing a
transparent rain poncho.
ブッシュ氏の父で1992年にクリントン氏に敗れた第41代大統領は息子が、ジョウジ、ワシントンが使用したと同じ聖書に左手を置いて宣誓しているのを誇らしげに観ていた。元のファスト レディーババラ、ブッシュ夫人は透明なレイン パンチョを着て笑みを浮かべ見守った。
A black limousine, its flags
snapping in the wind, carried Bush and Clinton to the Capitol after their
meeting at the White House.
黒塗りリムジンは旗を風でパチパチと音を立てさせ、ホワイト ハウスでの会合の後、ブッシュ氏とクリントン氏を国会議事堂へと運んだ。
Clinton left office with 11th
hour pardons for 140 Americans, including his former Whitewater business
partner Susan McDougal, brother Roger Clinton, who spent two years in jail in
the 1980s on a drug charge, and former CIA Director John Deutch, accused of
mishandling national secrets on a home computer. Another pardon went to
Patricia Campbell Hearst Shaw for her actions in the 1970s as Patty Hearst.
In the final moments before
Bush came calling, Clinton and his wife, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton were
spotted through a window dancing together in the foyer. When the new first
family arrived, Bush’s wife Laura greeted Mrs. Clinton with, “Good morning,
ブッシュ氏が訪れるほんの最後の前まで、クリントン氏と彼の妻で上院議員のヒラリー、ロッドハム、クリントン氏は休憩所で一緒にダンスをしているが窓越しに見られた。新ファースト ファミリーが到着した時、ブッシュ氏の妻のロウラ夫人はクリントン夫人に“おはよう御座います、上院議員。“と、挨拶をした。
Clinton wasn’t leaving quietly.
He spoke to wistful supporters including Cabinet and staff at an unusual rally at Andrews Air Force
Base before flying to New York, his newly adopted home state. “I left the White
House but I’m still here,” he said at one point. “We’re not going anywhere.”
Aides organized a second rally
to welcome Clinton to New York.
As Bush took his oath of
office, wife Laura held the Bible, a wide smile on her face. Twin daughters, 19
year olds Jenna and Barbara, watched expectantly and broke into grins as their
dad finished. A smile kept crossing as he recited the oath. He breathed a deep
sigh at the end.
Bush was sworn in by Chief
Justice William Rehnquist, who voted with the majority in the 5-4 decision that
handed him the presidency.
Bush offered a special message
to Americans who “doubt the promise, even the justice, of our own country,”
promising that he would strive to ensure opportunity and equality for all. He
found scant support among minority voters in the disputed election, blacks
opposed him 10 to 1 and some still question the legitimacy of his victory.
Democratic Rep. William
Jefferson a black lawmaker from Louisiana, said most Democrats came to the
inauguration because “we realize we have to go on with out responsibilities.”
But Jefferson also said he couldn’t help but think about “the opportunities
lost” with Gore’s defeat.
ルジアナ州出身で黒人の民主党国会議員ウイリアム、ジェファソン氏は、殆どの民主党員は就任式にやってきた、その訳は“我々は責任感無しでは協調していけない事を知ったからだ。“ジェハーソン氏は、又、ゴアー氏の敗北で、” 国民の機会が失われた“と考えるしかない。と述べた。
Bush promised to make America
“more just and generous” and set a handful of specific goals.
Action to “reclaim
America’s schools.” Reform of Social Security and Medicare. Tax cuts “to recover the momentum of our
economy” and reward the effort of working Americans. A national defense “beyond
challenge,” and action to confront “weapons of mass destruction,” the national
missile defense system he advocates.
Bush won office in the closest
presidential election in 124 years. Gore received 539,947 more votes than Bush
on Nov. 7 but, when the battle for Florida ended in the Supreme Court five
weeks later, Bush had 271 electoral votes, one more than a majority. Gore had
The new president inherits a
Congress sharply divided, with an evenly split Senate, the first since 1881,
and a House in which Republicans hold only a five vote edge. Cheney’s tie breaking
Senate vote gives Republicans the edge there.
新大統領は国会で勢力緊迫状態を引き継ぐ、上院では1881位以来始めて、全く二分されている。下院では共和党がほんの5票だけリードしている。チェニー国務長官との協力で上院の票を優位に導き、共和党の優勢を勝ち得ようとしている。 End おわり