Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen.
I am indeed very happy to be here with you today on this occasion of the opening of our country’s exhibition.
I am deeply grateful to JETRO for all their assistance, without which it would not have been possible for us to hold this exhibition.
Since we first started exhibition our product here in Tokyo in 1979, we have been attempting to understand the tastes and preferences of the Japanese consumer, and have taken pains to improve the quality of our products to suit the Japanese market.
I am happy to say that we have been able to make substantial progress in this direction. We know that this is a very difficult market and that the competition is really stiff, but we are determined to prove ourselves though “quality” and “service”, An exhibition of this kind will enable us to do just that.
Ladies and Gentlemen, success requires effort no matter what.
But I can tell you that all thirty-two exporters who are represents here from our country will spare no efforts to succeed in this market.
“I have a dream.” のメモとり
I say to you today, my friends, that in spite of the difficulties and frustrations of the moment, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream.
I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: ” We hold these truths to be self-evidence; that all men are created equal.”
I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brother-hood.
“Education is becoming more diverse in many countries and regions. This is a common. But its process has both similarities. We have to respect individual personalities. At the same time, we have to enhance the quality of education. Since we started seeking these two goals simultaneously, a new form of inequality has emerged. I would like to take about the reason why this is so.”
“More diversity in education is some thing that we commonly see in many places. Respect for individuality and improvement of the quality of education don’t go together. By seeking these two at the same time, we have produced new forms of inequality.”
例文2 関西の一味違った国際化
“Osaka has strong ties with NIES and ASEAN countries, Geographically it’s close to theses countries, Historically it has had contacts and ties with them. NISE and ASEAN countries have become the growth centers of the world.
There is a slogan in Osaka. It says, ‘Let’s make Kansai a gateway to the world ‘
Kansai is vigorously promoting internationalization. Its internationalization is somewhat different from the internationalization promoted in Tokyo,”
“In America, 13% of the people cannot read or write. But in the high-Tec area, America is more advanced than Japan. Japan does not have a competitive edge over America in this area.”
今日の午後、山梨県甲府市で事故があった。大型バスが転落した。5メートル下の用水路に落ちた。 運転士と乗客一人が死亡した。12人が負傷した。バスは社員旅行の一行が乗っていた。
“There was an accident in Kofu City, Yamanasi Prefecture, this afternoon. A bus fell off the road. It fell into a waterway five meters bellow. The driver and a passenger were killed. Twelve others were injured. The bus was carrying a group of people on a company excursion.
“Our school was founded in 1953. It’s a private school. We have 588 students. The male female ratio is a more or less the same. There are five classes in each grade. In the first year, the students all take same course of studies. But in the second year, the areas of the study are divided into two courses: the Humanities and Social Science course, and the Math and Science course. There are four classes in the first course. In Japan, many students want to go to university. So it’s very difficult to get into a good university. You have to study a lot to get into one”
“We are going to start a two-day training program. I’d like to brief you on the schedule. Today, right after this, we will have a small welcome party. A light lunch will be served there. After that, the men will start the first session. You will meet with the workers of our company, and exchange views with them. The ladies will take a flower-arrangement lesson. I hope this will give you a chance to experience Japanese culture.”
“My I help you?” “Can I help you?” “What happened to you?”
“I’ll take you there.” “It’s no problem.”
“I have a lot of time.” “I’d like to go there myself.”
“Come with me.” “ I’m sorry I have no time to take you there.” “ I’ll draw a map for you.”
“I’ll write a note. You can show it to the taxi driver,”
“I’M sorry I don’t know the place.”
“Please ask somebody else.”
“My pleasure.” “You are welcome.”
“Don’t mention it.”
“Are you enjoying yourself?”
“Where are you from?”
“Are you visiting here on business or on vacation?”
“ Is this your first visit to Japan?”
“What’s your line of work?”
“What do you do for a living?”
“Have a nice day!”
“Have a good trip!”
“I hope you will enjoy your stay in Japan.”
“How old are you?”
“Are you married?”
“You are beautiful.”
“You look nice today.”
“That’s nice outfit.”
“You look lovely in blue.”
“That’s a lovely shade blue.”
“I’ll pick you up at night.”
“Please meet me here at nine.”
“I’ll give you a call when I get to the hotel, Please be in your room at around eight O’clock.”
“She couldn’t come because of an urgent business.”
“She is not able to leave her office just now.”
“She is having an unexpected visitor.”
“She was planning to come, but was suddenly called away. So I came in her place.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t get what you said.”
“I’m sorry, but I don’t understand.”
“I’m sorry I missed that. Could you repeat it, please?”
“I’m not sure I understand…”
“I’m not sure I see exactly understand.”
“Could you put that in different words (in different way)?”
“I’m having a little trouble understanding exactly what you mean here. Could you perhaps put that in different way, just to make sure I’ve got it right?”
“I’m your interpreter for the day (for this meeting) Happy to meet you.”
“Happy to meet for you.”
“I’ll be acting as your interpreter today. Nice meeting you.”
“I’ll be interpreting for you today. I’m very happy to have the opportunity.”
”I’ve been looking forward to working with you.”
“I found your paper extremely interesting. I’ve really been looking forward to this occasion.”
“I’m very interested in environmental issues myself, so I’m very happy to have this opportunity.”
“I’d like to do the best job I can of interpreting for you, so I’d be very grateful if you could let me have anything in advance that might help me …a manuscript, or a handwritten memo. It would be good if I could have this in plenty of time, so I can study it.”
“Do you have a manuscript, or even a handwritten memo or notes for your talk? If you do, I’d like to have a copy of it. It will make a lot of difference to the quality of my translation.”
“Tank you for giving me a draft of your speech, It has been extremely helpful, and interesting, too. Are you going to read the manuscript, or are you going to speak from it?”
“Can we have a few minutes’ break now? I’m getting a bit tired and starting to lose my concentration.”
“Can we break for a few minutes and have a stretch?”
“Sorry could we take a short break?. I’d like to go to the washroom(lady’s room/bathroom.)”
“Thank you. But I’m a bit tired today. I think I’ll have room service and eat in my room.”
“Thank you, but I don’t think I can. I have a lot of phone calls to make, apart from making arrangements for tomorrow.”
“I have to call up my agent. Apparently they have something they want to discuss with me, and that may take while.”
“Thank you, but I better not. I have so much work to do.”
“I’d love to, but I have to go home right away. My children are waiting.”
(Jokingly)”I’d better not… My boyfriend is a jealous person.”
“It’s lovely, but I couldn’t accept it. It’s just too much.”
“In my agency, we have a rule that we shouldn’t accept gifts that are beyond certain value.”
“I’m sorry…thanks so much for the lovely thought… but I can’t accept it. I wouldn’t feel right about it.”
”Did you say he drank his breakfast?”
“Did you say it completely stopped working?”
“Excuse me, but did you say ‘in 1965’ or ‘in 1975’?”
“Do you mean X or Y?”
“I’m sorry…. When you mean by…?”
“Could you explain what you mean by…?”
“Could you explain just a little bit more what you mean by X?”
“You visited Paris, Rome, and sorry, what was the other one?”
“You studied sociology, anthropology, and what was the third one?”
“Could you just repeat the name of the placed, the last two names, please?”
“I think I get the general picture, but isn’t clear to me is..”
“I understand X as Y, is that right?”
“Let me see if I’ve got what you are saying. You said,,?”
“Just to clarify same points…”
“I’d like to ask something about what you just said.”
“Could you please speak fairy slowly? I don’t want to miss anything you say( anything [in my translation ] of what you’ll have to say).”
“I’ve read your paper, which impressed a lot…I’d like to convey bit of what you to the participants here. So could you take it slowly, so I can get it all in?”
“Sir, I’d be grateful if you speak slowly. I don’t want to miss anything…and actually that would he help the audience too…Some of them will understand what you’re saying if you take it fairly slowly.”
“Quite a few of the participants will be able to follow your talk in English directly if you speak slowly.”
“It’s sometimes a bit hard to keep the Japanese translation up with the English, so it would help a lot if you could speak fairly slowly, and with some longer pauses between ideas.”
”What Japanese people tend to admire most is a slow, deliberate kind of style.”
“Excuse me, Sir, could you take this a little bit more slowly? I’m having some trouble keeping up.”
“Could you slow down a bit, please?”
“If you can pause after every few sentences…say two or three sentences... that will be most helpful for the audience. That way, they don’t get bored, because they don’t have to wait too long for the translation. If you talk too much at length, often what seems to happen is that their mind tend to drift off.”
“I think what we should do is take turns and make the changeover after every few sentences, and not go on too long on any one chunk. If you say too much all at once, what can happen is that the audience has to wait for a long time without understanding and they get fidelity, and then when my translation goes on and on, you get bored, and also the people in the audience sort of start shifting their main attention to me instead of you.”
“So, Let’s switch turns frequently, that will help keep the audience’s attention on you.”
“Please try to use fairy short sentences.”
“We haven’t got too much time here to day, so I think what we should do is take this in fairy short tunes. If you say too much all at once, I might end up having to turn around and ask you to repeat things, so I think if you give your presentation in short chunks, that’ll be the best, I mean to make the best use of time we got.
“Sorry, could I translate that now?”
“Sorry, would you mind if I tell them this part before we go on?”
“Sorry to break in… Could I translate this part now before I forget it?”
× ”You must be tired.”
○ “Wonderful performance! Terrific presentation! Great work! Now it’s time relax.”
“I hope you enjoyed the tour (the lecture, etc.)
“I really enjoyed working with you.)
× “There is nothing, but please eat.”
○ “I’ve cooked some Japanese food. I hope you like it.”
× “This is worthless thing, but please accept it.”
○ “I have a small gift for you.”
× “I am just a novice, so I ask for your guidance and teaching.”
○ “I’m new to this field, so I’d appreciate your help.”
× “Here is my stupid wife Mariko, behind is my son Takeo.”
○ “This is my wife Mariko, and there behind is my son Takeo.”
× “This is but a modest party, but please relax and chat wit each other.”
○ “We have the pleasure of hosting a little party this evening. I hope you’ll have a relaxing evening.”
○ “It’s not bad year, but it hasn’t been easy. We’ve had trouble with you too, but we want to give it a go, without worrying too much. So, Let’s hope that we can made it.”
× “Please look kindly on us and be good to us.”
○ “We look forward to working with you.”
“I hope we will continue to enjoy your good company.”
“I hope that together we can make things work.”
“I hope we can work it out together.”
“I hope things will work out well.”
“It was nice meeting you.”
“Thank you for coming. Hope to see you again,”
× “Pleases work hard.”
○ “I wish you success.”
“I’m looking forward to your next book.”
“Continue your good work.”
“Good luck!.”
“Nice meeting you.”
“Hand book of Formal Speech for Interpreters”
Yoko Pinkerton
Japanese Studies Center, Melbourne, 1995
1 歓迎の言葉
“I would like to wish our guests a very warm welcome to Matumoto.”
“It gives me great pleasure to extend our special welcome.”
“We are honored to have had the opportunity to host you.”
“We consider it a privilege that our city is playing host to you all.”
“It is my pleasure to welcome you to the city of Matumoto.”
“On behalf of the organizers of this evening’s function, I would like to offer you a very warm welcome.”
“We are delighted that you have been able to attend our (very modest) party this evening.”
“It is great pleasure for us to host this cultural exchange dinner this evening.”
“I would like to extend my warmest welcome to all of you.”
“Tonight’s dinner is a very modest affair but we have organized it as a gesture of thanks to everyone for your efforts.”
”I am pleases to be able to welcome you and host tonight’s dinner.”
“Although we have limited time together, I hope it will be fruitful and that our friendship well be deepen as a result.”
“On behalf of N committee, I extend to you all a warm welcome to this dinner party.”
“To all of our guests present tonight, I extend a warm welcome.”
“It is my great pleasure to welcome everyone here tonight.”
“I welcome this opportunity to return your wonderful hospitality.”
“Thank you very much for attending this reception.”
“We are most grateful that you have been able to attend today despite your busy schedule.”
“Thank you very much indeed for giving us your valuable time to attend this meeting.”
“We are most appreciative that you have been able to make time to attend this event.”
“Your country is recognized world-wide as a country with a caring social welfare system.”
“When I visited your country, I was greatly impressed with the magnificent natural environment.”
“Your city’s cultural facilities, such as the art gallery and beautiful gardens, are well-known.”
“Your country has great natural beauty harboring endless potential. It is also a land with many attractions, not the least of which is your generous-hearted citizen.”
“Nagano prides itself on being the cultural and sporting center of Central Japan.”
“We place considerable emphasis on the importance of trade with your country.”
“Fukuoka is Kyusyu’s manufacturing heartland.”
“I hope that you will experience at first hand the advantages we offer as sports-event location.”
“I hope, in this brief overview, that I have been able to give you a ‘feel’ for our city.”
“I trust your visit with us will prove interesting, informative and enjoyable.”
“I trust that you will have both an enjoyable and rewarding day.”
“The contacts made on this visit will assist us in expanding cultural exchange.”
“Interaction between our countries in recent years has been remarkable, while political and economic ties go without saying, those at the cultural exchanging level also continue to deepen.”
“Your country and Japan have deep bonds of friendship starting with economic areas, but also extending to various levels of society.”
“Active exchange is developing in various field including industry, economics, culture and education.”
“Economic ties between your country and Japan are increasing, and the volume of trade is also expanding.”
“The interaction between your two country is becoming more active each year across various fields, and this is very pleasing to see.”
“We are committed to building further links between our two countries.”
“The mutual trade and investment links between our two countries are long established and very significant.”
“The continuing development of trade and investment between our two countries is vitally important.”
“I cannot emphasize enough how important your country is to Japan in the areas of trade, tourism, and international relations.”
“I believe that our activities will give added impetus to promotion of co-operation, and at the same time contribute to the commercial development between our to countries.”
“We are honored, Mr. Mayor, to have had the opportunity to host you and your official party over the past few days.”
“Over the period of being Governor, I have been pleased to see the growing relationship between our two countries, and between Aichi Prefecture and Victoria in particular.”
“Today we finalize the establishment of the Bankstown- Suita Sister-City affiliation.”
“I look forward to the ongoing good relationship between our sister states.”
Over past 10 years, Victoria and Aichi have established a rich and varied cultural exchange, Three years ago, during Australia’s bicentennial year, we sent a Kabuki troupe to celebrate the occasion and this year, we were presented with an Australian garden, which was created in the Aichi Prefectural Greenification Center. In May, we were honored to have the Governor of Victoria, Mr.Davis McCaughey officially open the garden.”
“Your visit this time is a very short one, however I firmly believe that it will play a significant role in promoting friendship and goodwill between our two cities.”
“We hope that your visit will further facilitate cultural exchange activities between young people of your city and Toyama City.”
“I wish express a hope that the relationship and friendship between Melbourne and Toyama will continue to flourish and grow.”
“Gathered here today are 1,500 young people who will be responsible for the future. The broadening of exchange through close contact across various fields such as sports, arts, and culture, is a very significant step in the history of the relationship between our two countries.”
“Regardless of the era, those who carry the responsibility for the future are the young people with their high ideals and boundless enthusiasm.”
“I hope that this visit serves to lend future impetus to the interaction between Australian and Japanese youth, and that our goodwill and friendship reaches new heights I believe too that this is something which will contribute significantly to lasting world peace.”
“I firmly believe that this valuable experience will serve as a wonderful memory that lasts a lifetime, and one which will remain in the heart of every single person.”
“It is now 5 years since our exchange program commenced with each year building upon a tradition of warm hospitality and the challenge of experiencing a contrasting culture.”
“I hope your stay with us will give you memories and impression of this country which you will treasure in the years to come.”
“True education requires a global understanding of ourselves which is enhanced by the sort of international exchange we are undertaking.”
“The young people of both countries stand to gain considerable benefit for their future, by continuing to exchange and grow together in mutual understanding.”
“I am sure that we have all had an enjoyable time, but now it is time to say farewell.”
“Unfortunately, this evening has been all too short and it is already time for our honored guests to leave us.”
Time has come to say good-by.”
“We have enjoyed meeting you, becoming your friend and we all hope that, one day , we can all meet again…whether it be in Japan or Australia.”
“We will not forget your warm friendship, and we look forward to welcoming you again in April next year.”
“I hope that we will be able to welcome you back here again in the future.”
“I hope that you take back to your country, good wishes and many happy memories.”
“I wish you a safe trip back to your country.”
“I would like to express my sincere appreciation to everyone involved.”
“I will conclude my address by thanking you again most sincerely, and hoping for the continued prosperity of our two countries.”
友好県州締結・記念パーテー中沖 豊知事の挨拶
“Autumn is the wedding season in Japan. A very special wedding took place here in Toyama today. A wedding between Toyama Prefecture and Oregon State. The ceremony was conducted auspiciously in the presence of guests from Oregon, including Governor Roberts. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you all deeply for making it possible to establish the sister-state relationship.”
“Today, October 19th, also happens to be a very special day for America. It was on this day 210 years ago that the American War of Independence was brought to an end, and America began to build itself into a nation of freedom and peace. It augurs well that Toyama and Oregon should be concluding a formal sister-state relationship on a day like this to promote further exchange.”
“As some of you may know, Oregon has four distinct seasons and is endowed with great natural beauty such as mountains and beaches. It also has modern industry, with many high-tech companies located in the state. But perhaps, Oregon’s biggest asset are it’s citizens. The generous, warm hearted Oregonians, and The very comfortable living environment. Toyama shared many of these qualified, and in that respect, we feel very strongly that Oregon is our best and ideal partner.”
“We look forward to many years of happy marriage, friendly contact and exchange, including economic exchange and exchange of persons. There was a popular TV drama series some time ago entitled “Form Oregon with Love”. Now that we are embarking on a new relationship, I’m sure many message will start flowing our “From Toyama with Love.”
“I’d like to conclude by wishing the state of Oregon a prosperous future, and happiness and good health to all those present here, including Governor Roberts and her party.”
“Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am Sato, and Presently serving as President of the Japan Foundation. I would firstly like to thank everyone for taking time of his busy schedule to attend this reception. This evening, I have the pleasure of welcoming sixty teachers twenty each from South Korea, the Philippines and Thailand, who are visiting Japan under a program set up by the Japan Foundation.”
“The Japan Foundation has been involved in various international cultural exchange
activities, aimed at deepening mutual understanding and friendly relations with other
countries. These activities include the current program of inviting secondary-school
teachers and educational administrators form countries with which we have enjoys a
close relationship. They come to Japan and experience it’s culture, society and education
at first hand, We are challenging a great deal of our energies into this program. This
year, we plan to invite 247 representatives from 38 countries, including those teachers
here today.”
“The group arrived in Japan on the 13th of May, and they are due to depart Japan the day after tomorrow, completing their 18-day stay. They started their stay here in Tokyo, with visit to the Ministry o f Education, Sophia University and ICU Senior High. Then the group split into three teams and made separate tours of Japan. The Korean team went to Iwate Prefecture, the Philippine team to Ishikawa Prefecture and the Thai team to Niigata Prefecture, Where they had the opportunity to observe at close hand Japan’s regional culture, society, industry and education. Home stays were also arranged for one night with the local families, which gave the teachers a chance to experience Japanese life at first hand.”
“I hope that the teachers…. You, the teachers were able to see Japan and the Japanese people and they really are. And I’m sure that after returning to your countries, you will tell your students what you saw, heard and felt in Japan as you came into direct contact with the Japanese people. And I’m also sure that the Japanese teachers and students whom you met during your stay will treasure the memories of you and the exchange they had with you. The seeds of international mutual understanding that you’ve planted during your stay will, I hope, bloom into beautiful flowers here in Japan and in your countries as well.”
“Using this opportunity, I’d like to offer my deep thanks to all of you for your warm support and cooperation in implementing this program. The Ministry of Education, the numerous organizations which the group visited, the people and families of Iwate, Ishikawa, and Niigata, and all the other people who assisted us in this program thank you very much, indeed.”
“I’d like to close by wishing you a safe trip back to your country, and future success and good health. This evening, we have the pleasure of hosting this little party. I hope you’ll have a relaxing evening. Thank you.”
団長の佐藤 進で御座います。私共は、全国町村議会議長会の海外地方行政調査団として、この度、貴市を訪問させて頂く事ができ、真に光栄に存じております。
“I am Susumu Sato, the group leader. The National Association of Chairman of Towns and Villages formed this delegation to study local administration in overseas countries. We are honored to be able to visit your city today.”
“Being located in the southern hemisphere, Australia’s seasons are the reveres of those in Japan. We are fortunate to be able to visit you at this of the year when you are entering summer, the best season.”
“Australia is a land of great natural beauty, and it is visited every year by an increasing number of Japanese people. This brings our two countries even closer together.”
“Our 24-menber delegation has come to visit you on this occasion to study your city council system, local administration, public facilities and so on.”
“I would like to express my gratitude for your warm welcome, and hope that our visit to your city helps promote mutual understanding and furthers our friendship with the citizens of your city. We look forward to today’s program.”
“Excellencies, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to extend to you a warm welcome to this Grand Kabuki pre-performance reception. It is a great honor and privilege for me to greet you this evening on behalf of the Aichi Prefectural Government and the Prefectural Assembly.”
“It is thanks to the considerable efforts of the Victorian Premier, Mr .Cain the Japanese Consul-General in Melbourne, Mr. Kawashima and many Victorians that Grand kabuki will be giving its first performance in Melbourne tomorrow.”
“Since forming a friendship agreement in 1980, the State Victoria and Aichi Prefecture have encouraged the growth of mutual understanding and friendship between the two through a variety of exchange program.”
“In recent years we have participated in the Royal Melbourne Show and presented the fireworks display on the 150th anniversary of the founding of your state, thereby introducing a wide range of Aichi culture and tradition to Victoria. It now gives us great pleasure to celebrate Australia’s bicentenary by presenting a form of Japanese traditional theater of which we are very proud Kabuki.”
“Nothing would make us happier than if even one person in the gathering here this evening, and among, and the people of Victoria, can gain a better understanding of Japanese culture through enjoyment of this Grand Kabuki performance.”
“In closing, on the occasion of your bicentenary, I would like to offer sincere wishes for a bright future as Australia ventures into the 21st century, and trust you will enjoy our birthday present of the Grand Kabuki.
Once again, thank you for joining us this evening.”